Visualize and analyze graphs and networks
Use networks as an artificial intelligence tool
to analyze data
‘DiscretePath’ is software for drawing, visualizing and analyzing medium-sized graphs (networks). Graphs of up to 20,000 edges (links) can be drawn in a reasonable amount of time. Larger graphs can also be imported and drawn, but this takes longer. Most analyzes can be performed on larger graphs, except when non-polynomial algorithms are used (for example, clustering using random walks).
From version 2.4.0 an ‘Artificial Intelligence’ module has been added. This module covers A.I. algorithms that use graphs in some form. The first supervised learning A.I. algorithms that are covered are: “Decision Trees”. The decision tree algorithms can handle both categorical and numerical data and can be used for both classification and regression tasks.
DiscretePath is available for both MacOS and Windows.
Discover the many features of DiscretePath on Features
The ‘screenshots’ on Screenshots give an impression of the user interface on both MacOS and Windows.
Enjoy the user guide (User guide) that instruct in a visual way how to use the software.
Some of the algorithms used in DiscretePath are explained in the document: Some clarifications of the graph algorithms used in DiscretePath
DiscretePath is made available as a free software and can be downloaded as a 64-bit application for MacOS and Windows (Software)
On the page ‘Resources’ (Resources) interesting example graphs can be downloaded. Some references can be found to relevant reviews and books covering the different topics of graph theory and explaining the basic graph algorithms.
You are welcome to contact IntrinsicCode to ask questions or give remarks and suggestions regarding DiscretePath (Contact).
Marc De Block